Why Choose Canada?
UN says Canada is the best country in the world! For many years, the United Nations has rated Canada the top country in the world for overall quality of life. Canadians enjoy a comfortable standard of living, good health care, social security, a high level of education, and a relatively safe and clean environment. The Charter of Rights and Freedoms entrenched in the Canadian constitution guarantees such fundamental rights as equality, mobility and legal rights, as well as freedom of speech, assembly and association.
A 1997 survey of people in 20 countries found that the majority placed Canada in the top ten list of countries where they would like to live. Most consider Canada a generous, peaceful and compassionate nation, while they see Canadians as honest, friendly and polite.
Canada has a long tradition of welcoming immigrants. Home of two official languages, English and French, Canada is also a multicultural society, with more than 17% of the population reporting a mother tongue other than English or French. During the 1990s, Canada received between 200,000 and 250,000 immigrants per year.
Throughout Canada’s history, millions of immigrants have helped to build this country. Today, Canada welcomes people from more than 150 countries each year.

The only people originally from Canada are the Aboriginal peoples, who lived in Canada for thousands of years before the first immigrants came here. The Aboriginal peoples constitute an important part of Canada’s population. They are working to protect and promote their languages, cultures and traditions and to acquire self-government.
In a country as large and diverse as Canada, the idea of equality is very important. We have shown how much we value this idea by having it written into the Constitution as the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
In Canada, we also believe in the importance of working together and helping one another.
Canada’s economy
Canada’s economy is based on a combination of many industries. There are three main types of industries in Canada: natural resources, manufacturing and services.
Natural resource industries include forestry, fishing, agriculture, mining and energy. These industries have played an important part in the country’s history and development. Today, the economy of many areas of the country still depends on developing natural resources.
Manufacturing industries make products to sell in Canada and around the world. Manufactured products include paper, technological equipment, automobiles, food, clothing and many other goods. Our largest international trading partner is the United States.
Service industries provide thousands of different jobs in areas like transportation, education, health care, construction, banking, communications and government. Over 70 percent of working Canadians now have jobs in service industries.
Canada from coast to coast
Canada is a very large country with an area of 10 million square kilometres, but it has a fairly small population. About 30 million people live here. Most Canadians live in the southern parts of Canada.
Canada is a land of great natural beauty, from the rugged shores of Newfoundland to the mild climate and beautiful mountains of the west coast. The second largest country in the world, it has six time zones. With its coasts, vast forests, mountain ranges, lakes and expanses of prairies, Canada is rich in natural resources. It contains 38 national parks, more than 1000 provincial parks, and nearly 50 territorial parks. Canada has 10 provinces and three territories.
Destinations in Canada
Federal-provincial agreements on immigration may provide for different criteria depending on the province of destination. Quebec is responsible for selecting its own immigrants. Different criteria apply for immigrants to Quebec.
British Columbia, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick and Newfoundland have recently signed agreements regarding the selection of provincial nominees to fill specific provincial labour market needs. Provincial nominees do not have to meet the usual selection criteria, but they must pass health and security requirements. B.C. also has a new pilot project for business immigrants.
For detailed description please view Special Programs page from the Main Menu and (or) contact our head office at tel. +1(416)704-2075 or e-mail to immigration@steinandlovich.com