Family sponsorship

You can sponsor certain relatives to come to Canada. Your relatives can live, study and work in Canada if they become permanent residents of Canada.

  • At least 18 years old and
  • Be a Permanent resident of Canada or;
  • Canadian citizen or
  • Person registered in Canada as an Indian under the Canadian Indian Act and
  • You must meet other qualification criteria depending on what relative you want to sponsor
  • Your spouse (link to sponsor your spouse section below);
  • Your dependent children (link to dependent children section below);
  • Your parents and/or grandparents (link to parents section below)

Our difference is that our principal Immigration Consultant, founder of Stein & Lovich Associates Inc., Lilia Merkoulovitch, always personally assesses each case and personally communicates with each client and no application ever gets submitted to the Canadian Immigration Office without her thorough review.

Sponsor your spouse

You can sponsor your spouse, common-law partner, conjugal partner or dependent children.

Your spouse

Your spouse can be either sex and must be:

  • legally married to you
  • at least 18 years old

Your common-law partner

Your common-law partner:

  • isn’tlegally married to you
  • can be either sex
  • is at least 18 years old
  • has been living with you for at least 12 consecutive months, meaning you’ve been living together continuously for 1 year in a conjugal relationship, without any long periods apart

You’ll need to give proof of your common-law relationship. Contact Us (link to contact us page) today to discuss the requirements and what documents can serve as sufficient proof of your common law relationship.

Your conjugal partner

Your conjugal partner:

  • isn’t legally married to you or in a common-law relationship with you
  • can be either sex
  • is at least 18 years old
  • has been in a relationship with you for at least 1 year
  • lives outside Canada
  • can’t live with you in their country of residence or marry you because of significant legal andimmigration reasons such as
    • their marital status (for example, they’re still married to someone else in a country where divorce isn’t possible)
    • their sexual orientation (for example, you are in a same-sex relationship, and same-sex relationships are not accepted, or same-sex marriage is illegal where they live),
    • persecution (for example, your relationship is between different religious groups which is not accepted and they may be punished legally or socially)

You’ll need to give proof that you could not live together or get married in your conjugal partner’s country. Contact Us (link to contact us page) today to discuss the requirements and what documents can serve as sufficient proof of your conjugal partner relationship.

How to apply

As of September 23, 2022, you must now apply online. 

To apply to sponsor your spouse, partner or child, there are 2 applications:

  1. You must apply to become a sponsor.
  2. Your spouse, partner or child must apply for permanent residence.

There are 4 steps involved in the sponsorship of your spouse, partner or child application.

Contact Us (link to contact us page) today to learn about the requirements and to start the process.

Sponsor your dependent children

You can sponsor your dependent children to come to live with you in Canada.

Children qualify as dependants if they meet both of these requirements:

  • they’re under22 years old
  • they don’t have a spouse or common law partner

Children 22 years old or older qualify as dependants if they meet both of these requirements:

  • they are unable to financially support themselves because of a mental or physical condition
  • they have depended on their parents for financial support since before the age of 22

With the exception of age, your dependent child must continue to meet these requirements until your application is finalized.

How to apply

As of September 23, 2022, you must now apply online. 

To apply to sponsor your spouse, partner or child, there are 2 applications:

  1. You must apply to become a sponsor.
  2. Your spouse, partner or child must apply for permanent residence.

There are 4 steps involved in the sponsorship of your spouse, partner or child application.

Contact Us (link to contact us page) today to learn about the requirements and to start the process.

Sponsor your parents and grandparents

You can sponsor your own parents and grandparents, related by blood or adoption.

In case of divorce, you’ll need to submit separate applications if you sponsor divorced parents and grandparents. If your divorced parents or grandparents have a current spouse, common-law partner or a conjugal partner, these people become dependants on the application and can immigrate to Canada with your parents and grandparents, if approved.

In the application, you can include your brothers and sisters, or half brothers and sisters, or step-brothers and step-sisters only if they qualify as dependent children.

You must meet the income requirements for all the people you want to sponsor and their dependants (spouse, partner and children).

The minimum income requirements change every year. Contact us to find out what the latest requirements are.

How to start sponsorship process?

The first step to sponsor your parents or grandparents is filling out the interest to sponsor form. The form was available:

  • from noon EDT on October 13, 2020
  • to noon EST on November 3, 2020

The form is now closed and will stay closed.

Sign up if you’d like to be notified when and how the government will be accepting further interest to sponsor form and sponsorship applications by providing your name and email address below